Overview of the Inbox Settings Feature
Our Inbox setting allows you to have more customization on how a particular inbox behaves. Inbox settings are applicable on a per-inbox basis.
To Access the settings, you must have the following system roles:
- Owner
- Admin
For custom roles, please ensure that the ‘Inboxes Manage’ permission is enabled for the custom role.
Set Up Auto Reply:
- Will re-direct you to the Automation tab. For more information about Automations, please see the help article
Auto Assign:
- This setting is for handling incoming chats
When enabled, you will get 2 options:
Assign chat to first team member who responds
Assign chat to any team member who responds
Assign chat to first team member who responds
- If you would like to turn it off, click on the toggle, and select ‘Disable’
- Chat assignments determine which user receives notifications for incoming chats (for example, Chats assigned to “Nobody” will alert all users in the inbox. Chats assigned to “John Smith” will only alert the “John Smith” user)
Send notifications to everyone regardless of assignments:
- When a contact responds back to your message, this will notify your entire team of the chat. If turned off, only the member assigned to the chat will be notified
Call forwarding:
- When someone attempts to call your Heymarket number, it will be redirected to the phone number provided in this setting
- For more information, refer to the help article
Show new chats when outgoing messages are sent from lists, campaigns and integration automations:
- All newly created conversations from the methods mentioned above will appear in your regular inbox conversations. When turned off, conversations will only appear when someone responds
Incoming call notifications:
- If someone attempts to call your Heymarket number, a new conversation will be created with the message Phone call from [Phone Number]
Close chat after period of inactivity:
- is designed to help streamline your communication process by automatically closing inactive chats. This feature ensures that your inbox remains tidy and focused, allowing you to concentrate on active
- For more information, refer to this help article
Auto unassign when a chat is closed:
- Heymarket will remove the assigned team member once the chat is closed
- For more information, refer to this help article
Auto unassign chat due to inactivity:
- Heymarket will remove the assigned team member after the conversation is inactive for a customizable period of time
- For more information, refer to this help article
Show chat waiting indicator:
- Heymarket allows you to view how long a contact has been waiting for a response with our Chat Waiting Indicator setting
- For more information, refer to this help article
Business Hours:
- Setting business hours improves reporting accuracy by accounting for non-working hours that would otherwise impact key reporting metrics like First Response Time, Average Response Time, and Resolution Time.
- For more information, refer to this help article