Whether you’re new to Heymarket or have been with us for a while, our Message Import feature enables you to transfer your message history from another texting provider, ensuring you retain valuable communications. This guide will assist you in preparing and importing your messages correctly.
Preparing Your Messages for Import
- Phone Number Requirement: To import messages, you must either host or port your number with Heymarket. Messages linked to numbers not hosted or ported to Heymarket will be omitted.
Format Message CSV: To import your messages successfully, they need to be formatted correctly in a CSV file. Ensure the following fields are included in your CSV file:
- [Required] to (accepted alternatives: to, destination, target): The phone number to which the message was sent.
- [Required] from (accepted alternatives: from, source): The phone number from which the message was sent.
- [Required] text (accepted alternatives: body, content): the content of the message.
- [Required] timestamp (accepted alternatives: date sent_at sent at sent_date sent date sent_at sent at date_sent date sent timestamp time created_at created at ) date and time when the message was sent or received.
- [Required] direction: Indicates whether the message was sent or received (only inbound, outbound, outbound-api, and outbound-reply are accepted):
- [Optional] sid (Accepted Alternatives: message_sid, message sid) The unique identifier for the message from the original system.
- [Optional] status: The status of the message, available options are: failed, undelivered, seen, delivered, sent, queued, receiving, sending, and accepted.
- Sample CSV
- Send us your CSV file: Send an email to with your request to import messages and the CSV file attached
- Our team will then process the request, and get back to you once the import has been completed.