- A marketing cloud org
- Heymarket Subscription
Installing App
- Navigate to AppExchange listing and click Get Now button
- Fill in the details and click on visit provider
- Clicking visit provider will redirect to marketing cloud org screen where you need to click on Install button and Heymarket marketing cloud connector will install.
Admin Dashboard Configuration
- Navigate to App Exchange Bar and Select Heymarket App.
- On clicking Heymarket App, will be redirected to to Heymarket Welcome screen.
- Now click on the Get Started button to navigate to configuration Screen, where we need to add Heymarket Api Key to configure our SFMC connector with Heymarket.
- After Adding the Api Key, click on the verify button. On Successful Verification, another section will appear to configure the fallback inbox and user mapping.
- For each of the inboxes you will get an option to map the user and one inbox / user mapping needs to be marked as default. Default market inbox will be auto mapped in marketing journeys to send SMS. If a user wants a specific journey to be sent via another inbox/user then, that can be configured in SMS Activity.
- Once Mapping is completed Just click on save button and that’s all for Heymarket admin configuration.
Journey Builder
Marketing cloud Journey Builder tool uses multiple activities for interacting with customers.
- After Completing one time Admin Configuration for SFMC connector, navigate to journey builder to create some journey's using Heymarket activities.
- From the journey builder dashboard click on create new journey.
- Select Multi Step Journey
- After successful installation, journey builder should include 3 new activities i.e Sms Activity, Status Activity, Reply Activity.
Activities Features and Use cases
Activity is responsible for configuring the SMS sending process
Dynamic SMS/Lead Owner Mapping:
Auto SMS Owner Mapping: automatically changes SMS owner if record owner email is also an Heymarket creator.
Fallback SMS Owner Mapping: if record owner email does not match Heymarket creator, SMS will be sent using fallback SMS owner configuration.
Template Mapping
- Mapping Heymarket Template with SFMC Data extension fields
- Auto Data Extension Field Mapping on the basis of previous journey’s field mapping
Custom Data Extension Fields Mapping
- Data Extension Custom Field Mapping for further customization of the template.
Images Gallery to send Image with SMS
- Select from uploaded images / Upload a custom image
Optional activity to check sent SMS status and split the journey into multiple branches, i.e. SENT, FAILED, #MissingPhone
- Simply select any SMS activity to check the status
Branches :
SENT: Includes all records, which are successfully sent and delivered to Customer
FAILED: Includes records whose SMS sending is failed, the reason might be due to invalid number or blocked by Telecom provider
MissingPhone: If a record is not having a phone number, then we don’t kick the record out of the journey. It's useful so that records can be further processed by other activities like email.
Optional activity to check custom interaction on sent SMS, highly useful activity help in splitting out journey into multiple branches, i.e. Replied, No Reply, #MissingPhone
- Simply select any SMS or SMS Status activity to check the reply status
- It’s not necessary to use SMS split with Reply activity can directly work with SMS activity
Branches :
Replied: Includes all records on which customer replied
No Reply: Includes all records on which customer didn’t respond
MissingPhone: Included records which are ignored as they don’t include a valid phoneNumber
Reply activity is required to analyze customer response, it’s highly recommended to use this feature on the replied branch of the Reply Status activity
To analyze the customer response, we need to use default SFMC split activity on the replied branch of Reply status activity.
Reply status activity gives an additional arguments name message on which real customer response is mapped, we can add multiple conditions on this field and split out the branches as per our requirement.
Use Case
Check if Customer is Interested in our Product or not
Positive Sentiments Keywords: OK, Interested, Yes,
Negative Sentiments Keywords: No,Nope, don’t
Remainder: If customer response doesn’t match any of the above paths, navigate to the remainder branch
Admin Configuration Missing
This error occurs if a user is trying to configure the Heymarket SMS activity without configuring the Admin Screen. Admin screen is responsible for mapping accesskey and fallback email settings as well.
You can find admin screen configuration steps in the Admin Setup section.
Data extension is not selected
This error occurs if user tries to configure the Heymarket sms activity without selecting any data extension
Invalid Data Extension
This error occurs if user tries to configure the Heymarket sms activity with data-extension which doesn't include valid phone number field (field with data type - phone)
Records without Mobile/Phone Numbers
We have created separate branch named “missing phone#”, if any record does not include a phone number, it will go to the missing phone number branch for both SMS split and Reply Check Activity.
Supplemented Reading
Here are some quick links to relevant articles, which could help you get up to speed with env setup required
Steps to configure SFMC with SFDC
- Complete guide of SFDC integration with SFMC : click here
- Marketing cloud connector configuration : click here
SFMC Configuration Steps
- How to create Business units : click here
- How to add users to the Business unit : click here
- How to create Data Extension : click here
- Configure JB with SFDC data : click here
- Provide access to BU to access HM custom activity : click here
Important Notes
- Suppose we have multiple business units in our marketing cloud organization and we want to get connected Salesforce organization data into our marketing cloud journey builder/DataExtension then it must we have to add all the business units for which we want salesforce data into our salesforce org.
- To allow users to integrate with Salesforce users we have to enable the “API User” checkbox available on the user detail section of SFMC org.