This guide presents a glossary of important 10DLC terms, to help with the registration, brand and campaign setup for your 10DLC registration through Heymarket
Term |
Source | Explanation |
Brand | TCR |
You must register Brands before a Campaign |
Brand Identity Check | TCR | If your Brand is Unverified but you are certain that the information provided was 100% accurate, you can appeal the Identity Status. To appeal an Identity Status you can click the “Identity Status Appeal” button in the Identity Status box at the top of the Brand Details page. You will then need to follow the instructions and provide any additional information/documentation you have for the Brand. |
Brand Identity Status | TCR | The identity status is the confirmed information of the brand such as EIN/company details |
Brand/Trust Score | Multiple MNOs | For “Verified” brands, TCR will assign available Classes (AT&T) or Tiers (T-Mobile) according to whether a verified Brand is part of the Russell 3000 list or not. A Verified brand that is on the Russell 3000 list will automatically have access to the highest throughput level for both AT&T (Class: A or B) and T-Mobile (Tier: TOP). Verified Brands who are not part of the Russell 3000 list will automatically have access to the entry level throughput for both AT&T (Class: E or F) and T-Mobile (Tier: LOW) and can improve their Class/Tier assignment through vetting (See section Vetting and Appeals) |
Campaign | TCR |
A campaign is created once a brand has been made. These are messaging initiatives under your brand, designed to fulfill specific business objectives. Each campaign aligns with particular use cases, demonstrating how your messaging strategy supports your overall business goals. A campaign would be associated with a messaging service provider |
Campaign Service Provider (CSP) | TCR | A Campaign Service Provider denotes an organization who has access to TCR’s portal and APIs to manage one or more 10DLC brands (and associated campaigns) on behalf of their customers or for themselves. SignalWire is a CSP, but we also work with customers who are their own CSP and use SignalWire as their connectivity partner. |
Message Class/Tier | TCR | This is based on either the vetting score or if the entity is on the Russell 3000. This is also based on how the campaign is created (ie: low, mix, high) |
Mobile Network Operator (MNO) | TCR | A Mobile Network Operator - sometimes called a Mobile Carrier - is a company that provides mobile or cellular service on its own network of radio towers and switches. If you’re familiar with the US market you’ll have heard of the three major MNOs: AT&T, T-Mobile, and Verizon. However there are also a handful of smaller MNOs like US Cellular and C-Spire. |
Russell 3000 | Stock market term | It measures the performance of the 3,000 largest publicly held companies incorporated in America as measured by total market capitalization, and represents approximately 97% of the American public equity market. A Verified brand that is on the Russell 3000 list will automatically have access to the highest throughput level for both AT&T (Class: A or B) and T-Mobile (Tier: TOP). |
The Campaign Registry (TCR) | TCR | Basically, TCR is a database that allows the carriers to see who is sending what, and how much they are sending, at all times. This transparency is meant to increase trust and reduce spam. |
Unverified Brand | TCR | An “Unverified” status means that the Brand was not able to be verified using the information entered. This could be due to several reasons, but the number one reason is the Legal Company Name and EIN do not match what is filed with the Federal Government. In order to move the Brand to a Verified status, you must correct the information and resubmit the Brand. Each resubmission will incur a new $4 Identity Verification fee. Campaigns cannot be created for a Brand in this state. |
Pending Brand | TCR | A “Pending” status means that the Brand submission has not yet been processed and has been queued. Once the queue clears and the Brand submission has been processed, the status will change to either Verified or Unverified. Campaigns cannot be created for a Brand in this state. |
Verified Brand | TCR | A “Verified” status is a requirement to register campaigns and send messages on 10DLC. This status means that the Brand’s identity was confirmed, and you can now register campaigns for that Brand. |
Use Case | TCR | As mandated by MNOs, TCR requires the CSP to declare a Use Case at the beginning of the Campaign Registration process. Please note, once a campaign has been created the use-case cannot be changed. |
Vetting Partner | TCR | When appealing a campaign score, a vetting partner is issued to review its use case. They are either Aegis, Standard or WMG |
Vetting Score | TCR | After the vetting partner reviews the use case, a score is given. This score is based upon accurate EIN/address and location provided. Each appeal request is charged a $10 fee regardless of the outcome |
DCA (Direct Connect Aggregator) | TCR | A Direct Connect Aggregator connects to the MNOs and transmits SMS and MMS messages on behalf of its customers. |
DCA1 (Direct Connect Aggregator) | TCR | The initial Direct Connect Aggregator is completed within TCR’s end. This is an initial review to ensure if the submitted data is sufficient. |
DCA2 (Direct Connect Aggregator) | TCR | Once DCA1 is approved, DCA2 is a secondary review of the campaign information provided. Once DCA2 is approved, the campaign is now fully 10DLC elected |
CNP | TCR | A Connectivity Partner (CNP) is who you have a contractual relationship with, and use to deliver your messages into the carriers’ networks. You will need to select your CNP from a pre-populated list for each campaign that is registered. Your selected CNP will be notified of the election and proceed to either accept or reject it. If accepted, the CNP will proceed to either forward your campaign to its own upstream connectivity partner, or to take care of the provisioning* on the MNO networks in case of direct connection into the Carriers. |
A2P messaging | TCR | Application-to-person messaging refers to mobile messages sent programmatically from an application to mobile phone numbers whose owners have agreed to receive them. |
MVNO | TCR | Although similar to the MNO in the respect that it provides mobile or cellular service, a Mobile Virtual Network Operator does not own or operate its own network of radio towers. Some MVNOs run their own switches, however. Instead, MVNOs lease capacity from an MNO. Examples include Mint Mobile (T-Mobile), Cricket Wireless (AT&T) and Boost (T-Mobile). |