Heymarket's AI Sentiment Analysis helps you understand the sentiment of the contacts you are messaging with, enabling you to tailor your messaging accordingly. This feature categorizes emotions into five levels, each represented by an emoji, providing clear and immediate insights into contact sentiment:
- Very Happy 😄
- Happy 🙂
- Neutral 😐
- Unhappy 🙁
- Very Unhappy 😢
Using these insights, you can adjust your communication to enhance customer satisfaction, address concerns proactively, and ensure seamless transitions between team members during chat re-assignments. The clarity in sentiment also allows you to easily adapt messaging, which can be tailored based on the customer's current mood, enhancing engagement and effectiveness of communications.
Filter Contacts Based on Sentiment
You can filter contacts by their sentiment from the Contacts page at This functionality allows you to easily sort your contacts based on their current sentiment, helping you to prioritize interactions and customize communication approaches effectively.
Important Notes
- Time Frame: Analyzes messages from the last 30 days.
- Updates: The sentiment updates are processed nightly including updates from the previous day.
- Recent Messages Matters More: Newer messages have a greater impact and relevance on the sentiment score than older ones.