Campaigns are a sequence of messages that can be scheduled to be sent at predefined dates and times. They're a great way to automate follow-up messages or provide regular updates to contacts.
A campaign can include any of the lists in your Heymarket team. Once a contact is added to the list, they'll begin receiving the scheduled messages in the campaign. Contacts can easily be removed a campaign at any time. Each message can be personalized with the first name or any custom fields of each contact.
Heymarket text messaging campaigns have been used for appointments, requesting reviews, and customer satisfaction surveys. Drip campaigns for SMS can also be used for engaging with new leads and making it easy to answer any questions they might have. A critical component to a successful drip campaign is ensuring that recipients receive personalized messages.
Getting Started with Campaigns
You can select how you want your campaign to go out, who you want to include (by contact or list), what custom content is in your campaign message, how many messages to include, and more.
- Days Apart
- These are a sequence of messages that are sent days apart. For e.g. You can send a message immediately, X days later and Y days later.
- Specific date and time
- A sequence of messages that are sent on specific dates and times.
Campaign Features
- When contact replies, remove them from the campaign
- When any contact in a text messaging campaign replies, they can automatically be removed from the campaign. This ensures they will no longer receive any automated messages, and your team can reply with a personalized message. This is especially useful when contacts in a campaign reply, and you’re ready to engage with them one-on-one.
- Do not add contacts that are in active campaigns
- When working with a large number of contacts, it’s important each only receives messages from one campaign. Heymarket has a check to ensure that. When a list is added to a campaign, Heymarket can notify you of contacts that are already members of an active campaign.
- Time Zone Support
- When scheduling a message to be sent out, you can specify the timezone in which these hours are being considered for
- Messages are sent to list members after they are added to a list. You can add a list member at any time and they will start to get all the messages in the campaign starting from the top. For date and time messages, messages will not be sent if the time has passed.
- The sequence needs to be in chronological order.
- Changes to a schedule after a campaign is started will only impact new contacts added to the list. Existing contacts in the list will stick to the original schedule when started. To ensure that everyone is on a new schedule, please create a new campaign.
- New messages added to a campaign will only be sent to contacts added to the list after the new message is added.
- You can exclude contacts from a campaign before a campaign is started.
- You will have to remove contacts from a list after a campaign is started to remove them from the campaign.
- You will have to add contacts to a list after a campaign is started to add them to the campaign.
- Please keep in mind that the campaign features are only available on the Heymarket web application at this time. It is expected behavior for the feature to not appear within the Android/IOS apps
My campaign is not sending, what is wrong?
Check that you have added a list to your campaign
Make sure your campaign is set on the correct schedule type.
Check the “Do not add contacts that are in active campaigns” setting. It is possible that you may have had the same contacts in multiple campaigns. We recommend that you don't use this setting if you have multiple campaigns.
Do Campaigns have a timezone?
The campaign timezone used for campaigns is the timezone of whoever set them up. Example: If you are in PT, and set up the campaign for 5:00 pm, it will be sent at 5:00 pm PT.